Code of Conduct
KimField Academy Private Primary School believes in protecting the rights and dignity of each individual pupil. In keeping with this ethos it is important for both pupil and parent to be aware of the rules and regulations that control the way in which pupils may conduct themselves both in and outside of our environment.

Each pupil of KimField Academy Private Primary School is expected to be of neat appearance at all times. At all times he/she is in uniform regardless of whether he/she is inside or outside of the property. Guidelines for acceptable appearance are as follows:
- Hair: Neatly tied back in a pony-tail or braid out of the face and eyes.
- Shoes: Neat and clean.
- Uniform: Neat and clean. Worn according to the prevailing seasons.
- Nails: Short, neat and clean.
- Make-up: No make-up of any kind may be worn.
- Hats: Must always be worn for assembly, events and when in uniform outside of the facility’s grounds. The school hat is compulsory.
- Hair: Neat and short.
- Shoes: Neat and clean.
- Uniform: Neat and clean. Shirts to be tucked in at all times.
- Nails: Short, neat and clean.
- Hats: Must always be worn for assembly, events and when in uniform outside of the facility’s grounds. The school hat is compulsory.
As a pupil of KimField Academy Private Primary School your child will be an ambassador for us wherever he/she goes. We want all our pupils to be proud of KimField Academy Private Primary School and show it to all they come into contact with. The following behaviour will not be tolerated and will lead to disciplinary action being taken:
- Foul language.
- Bullying of any kind.
- Disrespect towards teaching staff, groundsmen, office staff or other parents.
- Disruption of any class activity.
- Any unacceptable behaviour whilst dressed in their uniform.
Illegal Substances & Activities
No pupil may partake in any form of illegal activity of any kind. Pupils found guilty of illegal activities or in possession of illegal substances will be suspended with immediate effect. These activities and substances include but are not limited to the following:
- Vandalism of school property.
- Theft.
- Alcohol, tobacco and any other substance abuse.
- Carrying of weapons of any description.
- Any other illegal activity.
Other Rules & Regulations
KimField Academy Private Primary School may from time to time publish new or amended rules and regulations concerning the conduct of the pupils in attendance. It remains the child and parent’s responsibility to ensure they are aware of what is permitted within the rules of KimField Academy Private Primary School. If at any time a child becomes or feels unsure about how the rules apply to a particular situation, he/she must make contact with his/her teacher who will be able to guide them as to the correct application of the rules.