Language Policy

  • It is primarily by interaction through language that knowledge, skills, attitudes and values of groups and individuals within an institution are developed.
  • The importance of language in the educational process cannot be over-emphasized.
  • This language policy has been drafted in accordance with the following provisions:
    • the Constitution of South Africa, Act 108 of 1996;
    • the South African Schools Act, Act 84 of 1996 (‘SASA’);
    • the National Education Policy Act, Act 27 of 1996;
    • applicable provincial legislation on school education;
    • judgments of the South African courts;
    • the International Convention on the Rights of the Child;
    • the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of Children;
    • the Norms and Standards for Language Policy in Public School, 1997 (GN 1701 dated 19 December 1997)
    • and the guidelines of the Pan South African Language Board.
In drafting this policy, the following factors have been considered.
  • The interests of the learners
  • The interests of the school community
  • The interests of the community in which the school is located
  • The capacity of the school
  • The resources and staff available to the school
LANGUAGE OF LEARNING AND TEACHING IN THE SCHOOL The medium of instruction at The Kim Field Academy is English. MEDIUM OF INSTRUCTION, ASSESSMENT AND COMMUNICATION The medium of instruction and assessment in the school is English, with the exception of Languages other than English, in which case the medium of instruction and assessment will either include or be the language in question. The Language of communication with parents shall be English. LANGUAGES OFFERED AT THE SCHOOL
  • English will be offered as a subject at Home Language level only.
  • Afrikaans will be offered at First Additional Language level in Grades 1 – 7.
  • In all cases, the ability of the school to offer a language at First or Second Additional Language level, at all, or in any particular year group, will take numbers, financing and staffing capacities into account as the determining factor in the offering of the language.
  • The school will, wherever practicable, arrange extra support classes for learners with poor language skills.